Bye Fat, Bye Bad Posture!

Kamis, September 22, 2016

Okay, so....

If you see from the title, it's obvious this blog is about diet and exercise.
I've been starting to maintain my diet and work out routine since April 2016. It's started when I felt so unhealthy and my bad breakout in March 2016. So, I decided to take a Pilates class for starter.

I've never been a flexible nor good posture. Yes, I am a dancer. I used to.. for 4 years in college years but not meant to be a flexible one. Just a quite toned one, some parts (and that's obviously not my belly). But, I'm gonna share with you what exercise and how I feel now about back in the game.


For many people who are curious about Pilates. It's a super fun and eye opening exercise. Pilates is an exercise that will make an high impact on your endurance and flexibility. It takes a lot of practice and time to be like Andien (the singer) or Selena Gomez. But, yeah. I feel like I'm getting to know my strength through pilates. The movement is not high impact as cardio does. But, still it's really tiring because you have to stretch and maximize your muscles with steady and slow movement. Repetition is the key. And 10 session is just right for a beginner for me.
My purpose to do pilates sessions is to make my posture better. I was constantly having a back pain in the morning and easy to get tired during the day. Since I started my pilates session every Saturday morning at 6 am, I feel more aware which part of my body is weaker and stronger to hold my weight. And the advantage is... since I have pilates session every saturday morning, I am able to wake up early every saturday. Done doing shower at 8 am and have my breakfast. It's like a miracle and also it's a productive Saturday for me.

You know, with the deadline, just starting to run my own designer house, waking up early morning every saturday is like opening a door of fortune chamber.

I take my class in My Pilates Studio Ciranjang, Kebayoran Baru.
When I started, my instructor is Sari. She's about my age and she's a energetic person. I love her passion of traveling and fashion. But now, I changed to Mrs. Uray last month because Sari is pursuing her career as fashion designer.
Both of them are really funny and really cautious about training my posture every session.
The price is quite expensive. Pilates is not a yoga. It looks like yoga with equipment but it's a total different!
The price may vary.
For one visit starts from 350.000 for Apprentice, 450.000 for Junior Certified, 600.000 for Senior Certified, and 720.000 for Fully Certified.
For 10 sessions may vary from Rp3.000.0000,- to Rp6.500.000,- depends whom you're training with.
And it's also safe for pregnant woman. So it's all certified.
In Jakarta, there are so many pilates places. But, if you wanna take a look at my place.

Here's the address :
My Studio Pilates 
Ciranjang No. 6, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta. 
+62 82125-881-881


Now, I'm gonna talk about yoga. I used to soon cynical about Yoga. I mean, it's boring. It's not high impact like cardio and it's done by meditating. I never thought yoga is capable to make me sweat enough. BUT!
Here's the funny thing.
I'm in love with YOGA! I love yoga!
It's simple, no need any equipment (only the matt) and also cheaper than pilates. And it's also high impact. I was underestimating Yoga could make me sore and sweat like crazy.
My high school friend is a yoga instructor. When I saw her post in Path (she's opening a yoga session. Private.) I was thinking "maybe I should try.. I would never know it's working if I don't try.


So, I booked her to a private session at my house on Sunday at 7 AM.
oh well, Her name is Soraya and she's been practicing yoga since 2010. She's certified and she's so patience with my inability LOL.
You know what? YOGA IS FUCKING HARD!
Who said it's not a high impact?! I was sweating like crazy when I hold a warrior position HAHA.
Since my first session, I fell in love!
Now I have two sessions every weekend. Saturday for Pilates and Sunday for Yoga.
Never thought I could do a head stand, or.. anything goes backward. HAHAHA.
And she said I'm so strong and flexible. What? That's nuts!
Yoga and pilates are my jam now!

For those who's been looking for Yoga Instructor, I think you should try Yoga with Soraya.
Here's the contact:

IG: @soraya_yogajourney
Line : soraya.indriati
Email :

Okay the last one that's become a habit... is buying sport apparel. From Cotton On to Adidas. Ivy Park to Stella McCartney. It is like an addiction to buy those clothes. Since a mood booster of a training session is wearing a great sport bra and uber comfy legging. Also, a great mat on the floor.
You know, things are really easy now. To get those uber cool stuff. Sport bra is actually my aesthetic. But sometimes, I feel hard to purchase those thing in the store. Because when I go to the store, I never really make up my mind to buy. Then, I have to go back and forth and so on. It's tiring.
But thank god for technology. Thank you E-Commerce!

I love to search and buy on my favorite e-commerce site, It's easy, fast and safe. Thank you!

You know Ivy Park by Beyonce. The Queen B launched her own athleisure outfit a little while ago. She produced her collection under TOPSHOP garment manufacturer. So it is amazing. 
It's simple and a lot of grey color Which is great. And I think, her choise to be a TOPSHOP partner is the best decision so far. 

Recently, I'm craving to have these athleisure gear from Ivy Park that you could find on

This legging is legit 
You know legging is quite useful when you're in traveling. My past holiday in Bali last July is like legging day for full 5 days. It's easy to dry and also not taking too much space in the suitcase. HAHA
I will make a separate post about holiday, okay?

This sport bra is now Rp382.500,- !!!! NOOO

And this sweatpants are great too tho Elastic Waistband Peached Joggers
I think I'm going to have these guys soon (well.. payday please come faster).

Well... guys! I think It's time to leave now.

Just keep on healthy guys!
Happy exercising!

XOXO, delfa

2 komentar

  1. Waktu pertama kali nyoba olahraga lagi badan sakit semua kagak? dulu berat gue 68 (2014) akhirnya sekarang jadi 100 kg dalam waktu setahun (2015), sampe sekarang mau olahraga lagi badan sakit banget, kalo pilates gitu aman dan enak ga ya? Thanks for your information

    1. Hi !

      Kalau dari pengalamanku, apapun yang pertama dan physical pasti sakit dulu sih. Mungkin bukan sakit yang sampai nggak mau coba lagi. Sakitnya bikin nagih!
      Pilates itu aman, kalau sudah dijalani ternyata biarpun kelihatannya butuh fleksibilitas, tp engga seperti itu kok. Yang dibutuhkan kesabaran sama latihan terus yang bikin badan kita jadi sangat fleksibel dan kuat. Malah, aku ikut pilates itu karena mau menyembuhkan back pain. Dan memang terbukti selama ikut pilates dan yoga, selain hormon endorphin nya muncul, yang sering dirasa sakit setiap bangun tidur jadi hilang secara perlahan.

      Dibanding mungkin nge-gym dengan alat berat, untuk badanku lebih segar dan kuat dengan pilates dan yoga. Uniknya sih, dua olahraga ini membuat kita aware akan kekuatan badan kita dan mana yang paling lemah.

      Pelatih Pilates dan Yoga yang memang ada di gym besar atau sasana pilates itu sudah certified kok dan mereka belajar anatomi tubuh untuk melatih kita, jadi dia pasti tanya dulu. Problemnya apa yang sakit dan yang pasti tujuan olahraganya apa. Apakah mau kurus atau mau menghilangkan bagian yang sakit.

      Silahkan lho kalau mau mencoba, mungkin trial sekali datang bayar 1 sesi. Good luck!
